The Tournée des bancs is a walking route that takes you around the streets of Douglastown, where some benches have been installed so you can enjoy the view, rest or even workout. Every bench is unique and was handcrafted by a resident of Douglastown. They are installed on private properties where landowners have graciously agreed to host them for free.

Part of the city of Gaspé’s Parcours énergie network, the Tournée des bancs offers 5 stations across the route. Panels will show you the exercises proposed by trainer Isabelle Provencher. They are also available as podcasts, using the QR code provided.

The Tournée des bancs is a project created by the residents of Douglastown and the Douglas Community Centre


Start at: Douglas Community Centre

Walking route: You can do the whole loop or only a few benches at the time. You can head out in either direction.



Presented by coach Isabelle Provencher


Stand beside the bench. Put your hands on your hips, your feet a little wider than your shoulders and look far ahead. Complete 10 large pelvis rotations in one direction and 10 more in the other. Do not move your head and shoulders, keep your upper body long and look far ahead.


Stand next to the bench. Keep your upper body long and look far ahead. Place your right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand under your right armpit. Form a ‘V’ with your arms on top of each. Draw the infinite sign with your elbows. Your head must not move, your upper body must remain long and your gaze far ahead. It is the rib cage that does the movement. Complete 10 times. Then, change the position of your hands and do another set of 10.


Sit on the edge of the bench. Keep your feet flat on the ground, a bit wider than the shoulders, knees bent at 90 degrees. Place your hands on your hips. Lengthen your upper body and keep your gaze far ahead. Get up from the bench without fully straightening your knees and slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Complete 10 times. To increase the level of difficulty, extend your arms in front of you and bring your buttocks closer to the bench without sitting down.


Stand behind the bench. Grab the backrest while keeping your hands a little wider than your shoulders. Your toes on the ground, far away from the bench. Contract your buttocks, keep your back straight, abs engaged and your head in line with your spine. Bend your elbows to lower your chest and push backup to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. To increase the level of difficulty, complete the exercise with only one foot on the ground.


Stand behind the bench. Turn your body 90 degrees to the right and grab the bench with your left hand. Only keep your right foot on the ground. Throw your body forward and extend your left leg and right arm. Keep your head in line with your spine and look down to the ground. Slightly round the upper body to draw the shoulder blades away from each other. Keep your abs engaged and lower back straight. Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. To increase the level of difficulty, do not hold the bench.


Sit on the hedge of the bench and grab it with your hands. Slightly lengthen your legs and rest your heels on the ground. Lift your bump from the bench and slightly move your body forward to have your lower back close to the bench. Bend your elbows and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Keep your upper body straight and gaze far ahead. To decrease the intensity level, keep your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent at 90 degrees. To increase the level of difficulty, fully extend the legs keeping the heels on the ground.


Stand behind the bench. Turn your body 90 degrees to the right and grab the bench with your left hand. Keep the right foot forward and the tip of the left foot far behind. Look far ahead and keep your upper body tall. Slowly bend both knees and return to the starting position. Complete 10 times and repeat on the other side. To increase the level of difficulty keep your hands on your hips or stretch your arms above your head.


Download the exercises before you leave, as some locations have less cellular coverage. You can do so from here or from your favorite podcast platform.


Thanks to the artisans and homeowners who participated in the project on a volunteer basis.


  • Project manager: Monique Terrin
  • Coordinator: Isabelle Martin
  • Benches Craftsmen : Francis Minville, Charles Bachelard, Gérard Gagnon, Joey Fournier, Travis Henry et  Raymond Dubé.
  • Landowner: Stella & Bryce Kennedy, Jeffrey Baird
  • Graphic designer: Marilou Levasseur


  • Trainor: Isabelle Provencher
  • Maker : Maïté Samuel-Leduc
  • Editing and mixing : Ike Barsalou, studio Honguedo
  • Music : Airs piqués de Guy Bouchard et Mathieu Fournier
  • English translation and narration : Suzanne Briand
  • Review : Gaye Wadham

This series was produced by Maïté Événements Communications in collaboration with the Unité Loisir et Sport Gaspésie, Iles-de-la-Madeleine, the Douglas Community Centre, Gaspé City and the Bouffée d’énergie