monthly activities

The Douglastown Community Center offers a wide range of educational, social and sports activities for all ages. To see all our activities, check out the monthly newsletter or our Facebook page .


For more information about our activities or to suggest an activity, write to ! A Facebook event is usually created for each activity, and contains the details of the activity.

Some activities require prior registration due to limited places. Check the flyer or our Facebook page for registration details.

For paid activities , it is now possible for you to pay online to reserve your place or go directly to the center.

Programming of the month

Recurring Activities

Some of our activities take place on a regular basis, thanks to the collaboration of members of the Douglastown community.

Welcome everyone! Check our Facebook page or the monthly newsletter to make sure there is a community lunch before you come to the Center.

  • Yoga
    • Marilaine Savard, physiotherapist and kinesiologist at Physio Kin Zen Equilibre, teaches yoga classes in fall, winter and spring sessions. Check out our monthly newsletter for more details, or visit Physio Kin Zen Equilibre’s Facebook page.

Sara from Ternoir Céramique offers ceramic creation workshops at Dougtown Café a few times a year. Come alone or with friends to paint a piece, while enjoying the atmosphere and drinks at Dougtown Café! $15 to $45 depending on the size and ceramic piece chosen, from a small cup to a large salad bowl.

Limited places – Registration required with $15 deposit.

Check out our monthly newsletter to find out when the next Ceramic Café will be, or visit the Ternoir Céramique Facebook page .


SEASONAL activities

The Douglas Community Centre offers you an interesting range of seasonal activities to do alone, with friends or family in the territory of the municipality. You just have to go to the different sites to enjoy our facilities.

Become a volunteer

The Douglas Community Centre is always looking for active and supportive people to collaborate on events, set up or maintain a community activity, lead conferences or workshops that can meet the needs of residents.

You can inform us of your interest by writing to