Incorporated in 1998 through the initiative of a group of Douglastown citizens, the Douglas Community Centre enabled the recovery and renovation of the village’s St. Patrick Central School (1956), a three-storey, 1,650-square-metre building. Since then, the Centre has continued to put down roots in its community, offering services and activities to the local population of some 650 inhabitants, almost equally divided between the French and English-speaking communities.

The Community Centre is a non-profit organization (NPO) incorporated under the terms of the Companies Act, Part III; its objectives, developed by the members, are articulated on three distinct levels:

Community development ;
Community development;
Corporate management.

Broadly speaking, they concern the social, economic and cultural promotion of the community, and cooperation between the two linguistic communities.


The Douglas community center offers Douglastown and the surrounding area’s residents a welcoming space allowing the development of a variety of leisure activities encouraging a sense of belonging within the community. It fosters the sharing of knowledge and experience within a perspective of collective and inclusive well-being while maintaining its heritage and infrastructures longevity.


Inclusion : Diversity – Accessibility

Sharing: Knowledge – Talents – Inter-generational and intra-generational

Solidarity: Helpful members – Community spirit

Innovation: Proactivity – Sustainable development


Prix CQPV 2020: The Centre communautaire Douglas community Center, for its initiative in collecting, teaching and promoting the traditional music and dance of the Pointe de la Gaspésie, with among other initiatives, its community dances.


Entreprise représentant la Gaspésie durant le mois de l’économie sociale 2020 : Voir image dans le folder

Prix Innovateur offered by the Town of Gaspé during the Gala Reconnaissance 2020



Prix Créateur de bénévoles offered by the Ville de Gaspé during the gala Reconnaissance 2020 presented to Guy Bouchard

Prix du Loisir Culturel from the Fédération Québécoise des Centres communautaires de loisirs presented to Lorraine Blais-Morin

Prix Porteur de Traditions from the MRC Côte de Gaspé presented to Guy Bouchard in reference to the Prix du Patrimoine 1ere édition
